Ursula Paez became Canto Coro's Director in 2014. She is the Musical Director of Melbourne Male Choir LOW REZ and Music Director/Conductor at The Decibelles Female Pop Choir Inc.
See also: http://www.lowrez.com.au/about/musical-director/
Sue Robinson was Canto Coro's Director in 2013. Sue is a highly qualified conductor and composer, who has run choirs successfully in Australia and New Zealand.
See also: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-robinson-43446b17
Peter Mousaferiadis became Canto Coro’s Director in 2000. He has had an extensive career in the arts as a creative director, producer, artistic director, music director, conductor and composer. His compositions include over a 100 songs and hundreds of arrangements for choir and the popular oratorio Snow in Brunswick. His music is regularly played here and abroad.
Peter is founder and Director of PAN Orama Group, a group of companies working in the areas of arts, culture, education, entertainment, and event management, which has staged some of Australia's largest public events. Peter also established Cultural Infusion, a non-profit arts organisation, which delivers a range of education, community and performance programs throughout Australia. In 2005, Peter and PAN were presented a Victorian Multicultural Commission Award for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs.
Also in 2005, Peter started his Masters program in Composition with the view of composing his first symphony: A Mass of Dissent. This work-in-progress, based on poetry by Sarah Berry, is a humane prayer for each of us to take responsibility in creating peace at all levels: Bunjil is the ever-present spirit of the earth wounded, the choir fire and water, the troubled and cynical masses and the soloist, a tiny blue bird, a universal youthful soul of hope, soaring through the air above the audience.
The choir's recent concerts also featured a song from Snow in Brunswick based upon the poetry of Greek Consul General to Hong Kong, Yiorgis Veis, on the consequences of cocaine use. See also: https://culturalinfusion.org.au
Inka Marka
When Jose' Diaz Rodriguez arrived in Sydney from Bolivia almost a decade ago, he felt it was imperative he keep in touch with his deep cultural roots; and together with his Brother in law Orlando Arias and Michel Bestrin, Inka Marka was born, they began performing weekends and for local community events.
It wasn't long before they noticed Australians really appreciated this type of music, so deciding to take the plunge a full time band was formed, dedicated to performing the passionate music and colourful ethnic dances of the Andes.
From humble beginnings and with only 3 members, Inka Marka has gradually grown over the years into a tight professional unit of 6 full time band members; moving base to Melbourne, gaining a manager, a record company and developing a wide ranging program of educational and cultural activities.
Though each of the band members have had long individual careers as performers and entertainers in their own right, both within Australia and overseas; together they combine to form a dedicated group committed to bringing their love of traditional Andean music to Australia and the World as well as embracing the 'contemporary' music of the region.
See also http://inkamarka.com.